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Newsletter February 2023

Posted by C3W Admin on March 1 2023

We have gathered together the latest news and events, together with some content not available on the website and put it into a Newsletter, see below.

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Concerned parents trying to coax a sick child to take some liquid while a dog waits patiently. Watercolour by W.H. Margetson, 1901. Credit: Wellcome CollectionPublic Domain Mark

Welcome to the February edition of our newsletter, where you will find the latest research findings, activities and events.

This edition has
  • A Call for Papers – Closing date March 20th
  • A review of 2022
  • Publications
  • Upcoming events


Call for Papers – click for website link

Edna Suárez-Díaz has been invited for a short research stay from June 19 to 30th at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, at Lara Keuck’s working group.


Sarah Marks comments on objects from the history of science and medicine in Series 2 of Strangest Things, airing on Sky History/Now TV (UK) and The Science Channel (US), a documentary series  drawing from history, archaeology and science. The series airs between January and March 2023.

Dates for your Diary

Postdoc Lu Chen is involved in organizing the Wellcome Centre’s seminar series for the 2022-2023 academic year.

The series is composed of 5 independent seminars:

Upcoming events

6th March, 2023

Transcending Boundaries: Exploring the Intersection of Faith & Health.


Fabian Winiger 

Erminia Colucci

Sally Smith

Registration link

Previous events

Trauma, justice and the human condition was held on 15th September, 2022, the recording is available on the YouTube channel  

Health of People, Health of the Planet: A Diversity of Perspectives” was held at 20th October, the recording is available on the Wellcome centre’s YouTube channel 

Climate Change & Mental Health: Exploring Responses Across Cultures was held on 17th November, you can view this on YouTube

Death by welfare was held on 19th January 2023, the recording is available on YouTube

Science Diplomacy and Science in Times of War
Institute’s Colloquium 2022-23 of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

14 March 14:00-15:30 
Debating “Scientific Warfare” in Republican China
Nicholas Schillinger (FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg)


Dora Vargha is organiser of this year’s Institute’s Colloquium at the MPIWG. The series is dedicated to the rethinking of science and scientific knowledge in times of peace and in times of crises and war. Within this framework, the colloquium series will interrogate the history and concepts of “science diplomacy,” its applicability across time and space; limits and opportunities of scientific cooperation across borders, cultural and national contexts, fluctuating between peace and war; legitimation of using science and scientists as means of sanctions and geopolitical tools; and if we should differentiate between politically and diplomatically usable science and politically/diplomatically irrelevant science, reminiscent of Nobel laureate Henry Dale’s distinction between peaceful “normal science” and “abnormal” war science?
The Colloquium is held in a hybrid format and open to all, you can find the program and registration information for online and in-person participation here: 


The latest from Twitter follow us @C3Worlds 


‘Whose Public, Whose Goods? Generations of patients and visions of fairness in Ghanaian health’ an article by David Bannister has been published in the Social Science & Medicine volume 319


Since Ghana’s independence in 1957, the country has seen an ebb and flow of reforms intended to expand and fund state healthcare, informed by diverse notions of affordability and adequate provision. Cycles of attempted health reforms have emerged from disparate political and economic ideologies, themselves a product of broader global histories and specific national experiences. Based on group interviews with people across most administrative regions of Ghana, this paper examines how the formative historical experiences of different generations gives rise to a multiplicity of understandings of what constitutes a ‘fair’ distribution of national health resources. It discusses the forms and contents of arguments that people of different ages raised in both rural and urban settings in the course of the study – with particular reference to the operation of Ghana’s current National Health Insurance Scheme, and in light of their perceptions of the justice or injustice of present day healthcare in relation to earlier periods.


The Photographers’ gaze: the Mobile Radioisotope Exhibition in Latin America (1960-1965) is a research article written by Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez-Díaz.


During the IAEA’s Mobile Radioisotope Exhibition (1960–1965) through the eventful roads of five Latin American countries (Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, and Bolivia), a variety of photographs were taken by an unknown Mexican official photographer, and by Josef Obermayer, a staff driver from Vienna. The exhibition carried not only bits of nuclear sciences and technologies, but also the political symbolism of the ‘friendly atom’ as a token of modernization. The photographs embarked on different trajectories, though all of them ended up at the training and exchange official’s desk in charge of the exhibition, Argentinian physicist Arturo Cairo. The ones taken in Mexico also had a local circulation as propaganda intended to promote radioisotope applications. The two sets of images were intended to show the contrast between modernity and traditional society, but they did it from different gazes. Our paper argues that, in the case of Mexico, the photographer reinforced representations of the country which were already popularized by Hollywood for foreign and local audiences. On the other hand, the Viennese photographer’s gaze delivers an autoethnography of his dutiful journey. We also argue that Obermayer’s projection is one of what Roger Bartra has conceptualized as the ‘salvage on the mirror’.

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