Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez Díaz (HSS Merida Local Arrangements Committee) The History of Science Society, for the first time in its one hundred years of existence, met in a Latin American country on November 7-10. The colonial city of Mérida (funded in 1542), in the Mexican state of Yucatán, received five hundred historians of […]
Continue reading...An Ecuadorian snapshot of women’s visual representation at the time of the 1975 International Women’s Year (IWY) Conference Andrea Espinoza Carvajal At the same time the 1975 International Women’s Year (IWY) Conference took place in Mexico City (between June 19 and July 2), Ecuador was electing that year’s Miss Ecuador. Newspapers around the country covered […]
Continue reading...Andrea Espinoza Carvajal Growing up in Ecuador, the saying: Ecuador es un país sin memoria [Ecuador is a country with no memory] was ubiquitous. It was present at home and school, revived in every national election and crisis and served as a blank criticism and explanation of voting patterns and political trends. “Having no memory” […]
Continue reading...Sarah Howard After years of seeing only heads and shoulders on screen at academic events, it was great to attend the EASA conference in person in July in Belfast. As well as the two panels I will discuss in more detail below, panels on street level bureaucrats, on the governance of labour and on post-socialism […]
Continue reading...In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Xun Zhou published a book The People’s Health: Health Intervention and Delivery in Mao’s China, 1949-1983 (McGill-Queen University Press, 2020). Through two of the most prominent examples of Maoist health care – the anti-schistosomiasis campaign and the ‘Barefoot Doctor’ programme – Dr Zhou provides a critical analysis […]
Continue reading...Last month we engaged in a very fruitful and informal conversation seminar-style with PhD(c) Fatima Elfitouri (King’s College London), Dr Nils Graber (University of Lausanne), and our very own Dr Edna Suarez-Dias (UNAM) on the history of biomedicine in Cuba during the Cold War. All scholars represent a different approach to the topic, combining methods […]
Continue reading...Blog post by Sebastian Fonseca for Connecting 3 Worlds A few weeks ago, Dr Maziyar Ghiabi at the University of Exeter published the article ‘Critique of everyday narco-capitalism’ – an excellent analysis intersecting the drug culture, dynamics of capitalism and daily experiences on the ground from Afghanistan, Myanmar and Colombia (image 1 – Ghiabi […]
Continue reading...March 2022 Dora Vargha, Sarah Marks and Edna Suárez-Díaz gathered for a secluded space of writing and planning the next activities of the C3W project. A position paper is the result of the stay at Heidesee, soon to be submitted for publication. Read more about the presentation here.
Continue reading...It is with broken hearts that we share the news of Mateusz Zatoński’s recent death at the age of 34. Mateusz was a brilliant historian, wonderful and generous colleague, an energetic health activist, and a friend to several project members. It is incomprehensible that we will no longer exchange ideas, have long conversations about socialism […]
Continue reading...2 February 2022 Professor Dora Vargha talked about socialism and global health in the podcast series organised by the Research Center for the History of Transformation at the University of Vienna. In this episode, Moderated by Anna Calori (RECET), Dora reflects upon the role of the socialist world in shaping the recent history of medicine, […]
Continue reading...On November 24th, 2021, the ‘Connecting 3 Worlds’ team organised the first seminar on Vaccination Campaigns – a comparative analysis of perspectives in historical research between post-war Poland and Italy. The event was hybrid, with some members online and others at the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health (our hub at the University […]
Continue reading...Health for all? Histories of international and global health. History Compass. 2021;e12700. Mary Augusta Brazelton, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge (Abstract): This essay presents a survey of recent work in the history of international and global health from the mid-nineteenth to the early twenty-first centuries. It considers longstanding […]
Continue reading...“Connecting three worlds: socialism, medicine, and global health after WWII” Hybrid Workshop International House, Freie Universität Berlin The inaugural event at the UNAM offices in Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin) provided a friendly environment for the first international meeting of the project, enabling intellectual and personal connections among project members, collaborators and advisors. The workshop […]
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