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June Newsletter

Posted by C3W Admin on June 25 2024

We have gathered together the latest news and events, together with some content not available on the website and put it into a Newsletter, see below.

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I love this photo taken at the Shanghai conference earlier this month, read all about it in this months newsletter.

Welcome to the June edition of our newsletter, where you will find the latest research findings, activities and events.


This edition has
  • Dates for your diary
  • Publications
  • Presentations by the team
I’ve been made aware that the links in the newsletter are on a timer which makes them useless after a while, so I have added the text for the link below the article, so you can still find out more.


Shanghai Workshop

Workshop on ‘From Local to Global: Socialism and Health in East Asia’ has concluded in Shanghai on June 6-7, 2024, attracting experts and academics from across the globe. The event, co-organized by Connecting 3 Worlds team in collaboration with International Centre for Drug Policy Studies at Shanghai University, aimed to delve deep into the complexities of healthcare systems in East Asia influenced by socialist principles and regional collaborations. The two-day conference brought to light the crucial role of East Asia in global health dynamics. Prominent topics covered included the influence of cultural and historical factors on healthcare policies, the role of community organizations in implementing socialist-inspired healthcare, and the evolution of regional cooperation in addressing common health threats. Additionally, the workshop explored how East Asian countries engage in technical exchanges and international partnerships to advance global health initiatives.

Dates for your Diary

HSS Annual Meeting

Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez-Díaz have been busy with the preparation for the History of Science Society Centennial in Mérida, Yucatán. They are in charge of local arrangements for this important academic event when the oldest history of science academic society will turn 100 hundred years old. Also, it is the first time that HSS has taken place in a Latin American country.

Our C3W project members will participate in several roundtables, talks, and other activities. The preliminary program has been announced, and this will be a thrilling event:

Sarah Howard has been accepted on ‘Take Your Research Public 2024’, which will take place in June and July. Run by the Department of History, Politics and Philosophy at Manchester Metropolitan University, the course supports participants to develop plans for public-facing outputs, including trade books, magazines, social media and podcasting. 

Presentations by the Project Team

Conference at Manchester

Lu Chen presented her paper “Solidarity Medicine Socialism and Local Roots of Primary Health Care in China, India, and Tanzania” at the ‘Socialist Humanitarianism in the Long Twentieth Century’ at Manchester on 11-12 June.

Sebastian Fonseca, 10th-13th of June, presented at the Department of Global Health research workshop on the topic “The Politics of Neglect: Fragmented narratives of community-based health in Colombia during the cold war”. This presentation will be a basis for further discussion around a research proposal he is working on with the tentative title “The Relational Co-Production of Knowledge: Global Histories of Community Health in the Cold War”. Colleagues at Maastricht are providing feedback, discussion, and opportunities for collaboration – particularly linked with the Research Group on Health Equity.


In the Pipeline

Epidemic Histories: new book series at Johns Hopkins University press, co-edited by Jacob Steere-Williams and Dora Vargha

Historians of science, medicine, and public health have long investigated the role that epidemics and pandemics play in the human experience. Often understood as sampling devices that reveal deeper cultural patterns, political ideologies, and instantiations of governance, epidemics and pandemics have typically been seen as events with a definitive chronological and geographical scope. In recent years, however, historians have begun to categorically rethink the methods, approaches, sources, and theories for studying pandemics and epidemics.

Epidemic Histories seeks to foster new scholarly projects that expand the ways that we think about epidemic origins and epidemic endings, to fundamentally rethink the question: what is an epidemic? We encourage field-shifting frameworks and methodologies that dovetail with new approaches in the cultural history of medicine, in disease ecology, disaster history, and environmental history. In particular, we encourage scholars from across histories of science, medicine, technology, and public health to consider new, globally-inflected approaches to studying disease.

Research news

The National Archive visit

From May 21 to May 24, Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez-Díaz did archival research at The National Archives in London (TNA). The National Archives provides collections from beyond the UK and the Commonwealth, providing excellent opportunities for historical research with a global perspective.   During this week, Gisela Mateos focused on her ongoing research on the history of international cooperation on neglected tropical diseases like schistosomiasis and onchocerciasis. Dr. Mateos is looking at projects linking Latin America (Mexico and Brazil) and African countries between 1950 and 1985.

Edna Suárez-Díaz continued her ongoing research on the uses of biomedical research and technologies in the global study of malnutrition between 1950 and the 1980s. The National Archives offers a privileged perspective for this research, given the standing place of British biomedical research during this period and before. The extended networks of scientists and physicians, sustained during and after the colonial period in Africa and Asia, gave the British scientists a prominent role in the afterwar period and significant influence in multilateral agencies like the WHO and FAO.



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