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May Newsletter

Posted by C3W Admin on May 30 2024

We have gathered together the latest news and events, together with some content not available on the website and put it into a Newsletter, see below.

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INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE MIDWIFE – May 5 – National Day Calendar

Some of the first records of the occupation of midwife go back about 2,000 years before Christ. The actual word ‘midwife’ dates back to around 1300 and means together or alongside a woman (mid means ‘together with’, so ‘together with woman’).

Welcome to the May edition of our newsletter, where you will find the latest research findings, activities and events.


This edition has
  • Dates for your diary
  • Publications
  • Presentations by the team
I’ve been made aware that the links in the newsletter are on a timer which makes them useless after a while, so I have added the text for the link below the article, so you can still find out more.


Sebastian Fonseca is currently discussing with Johns Hopkins University Press to publish his first manuscript as part of their book series “Global Studies in Medicine, Science, Race and Colonialism” (edited by Ahmed Ragab). For this purpose, he will be attending a workshop with colleagues at the Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin in June 3rd-6th

Session 1— Thursday 7 March 2024. Online lecture. Keynote Professor Dora Vargha. Watch on YouTube

Session 2— Thursday 21 March 2024. Women, professional trajectories and care. Gendering expertise. Watch on YouTube

Session 3— Thursday 4 April 2024. Women’s bodies. Gendering reproductive discourses after WWII. Watch on YouTube

Session 4— Thursday 18 April 2024. Women’s bodies. Family planning and the cold war in Latin America. Watch on YouTube

Dates for your Diary

Lu Chen has been working hard putting together this great line up for a two day conference, our website will have further updates.

Sebastian Fonseca is due to participate in two different panels at the Latin American Studies Association LASA Conference in Bogota June 12th-14th. The first panel will be a review and discussion of Eric Carter’s (University of Macalester, Minnesota, US) most recent book titled “In Pursuit of Health Equity: A History of Latin American Social Medicine” (the University of North Carolina Press, 2023).

The other panel Sebastian will participate in is titled “Políticas de protección social y las ciencias de la salud en América Latina, siglo XX” with his presentation titled “Thirdworldism in Latin America: Reframing the history of social medicine in the Cold War.”

Presentations by the Project Team

May 3 Dora Vargha presented a paper at Johns Hopkins University (Medicine, Science and Humanities) titled “Communist MASH: everyday life at a Hungarian field hospital in the Korean War”

May 11 Dora Vargha presented a paper titled “Socialist medics on the move: Eastern European medical aid and collaboration across the globe 1950-1989” At the annual meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine in Kansas City,

Sebastian Fonseca presented at the Conference of the United Kingdom and Latin American History Network UKLAH at the University of Sheffield on May 24th, 2024. In the panel titled “Latin America’s Cold War” and his presentation was “The Politics of Neglect: Fragmented Narratives of Community-based health in Colombia.” The presentation is part of the article he is co-writing with Erica Nelson for our special issue “Community Health in the Cold War” for the Bulletin for the History of Medicine journal, which will come out next year.


Andrea published a co-edited volume about the narration of the Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America. It is a collaborative project developed with Dr Luis A. Medina Cordova (University of Birmingham). Pandemic and Narration: Covid-19 Narratives in Latin America is a volume that sheds light on how, as Covid-19 spread, life not only continued to be experienced but also continued to be narrated. This volume helps to understand what happened in Latin America from a perspective in which, unlike most of what we saw during the health emergency, numbers, statistics and percentages are not at the centre of the analysis. The essays gathered here foreground something else: the manifold ways Covid-19 was subjectively and collectively narrated in the news, government reports, political speeches, NGO communications, social media, literature, songs and many other media. The book is now available.

Research news

Sarah Howard has been accepted on ‘Take Your Research Public 2024’, which will take place in June and July. Run by the Department of History, Politics and Philosophy at Manchester Metropolitan University, the course supports participants to develop plans for public-facing outputs, including trade books, magazines, social media and podcasting. 


Suspicion, stigma and systems: Africa’s healthcare story.

Recent media coverage featured the project’s 2023 workshop in South Africa, which gathered current and retired health workers, planners and officials from seven African states and the WHO, for three days of group oral history panels under the broad theme of ‘The Public Good, Planning and Internationalism in African Health’. In an article by the Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism in Africa, titled Suspicion, stigma and systems: Africa’s healthcare story, journalist Sean Christie discusses the significance of the workshop, our participants and the importance of oral testimony.

The workshop took place in September 2023 – it was organized by C3W members David Bannister, Sarah Howard and Sarah Marks, along with Edna Suarez-Diaz, Gisela Matteos and Vivienne Bates. The event was co-organised and funded with the ERC Project ‘’Universal Health Coverage and the Public Good in Africa, led by Prof. Ruth Prince at the University of Oslo; the Wellcome Trust ‘Health Systems in History’ Project, led by Prof. Martin Gorsky at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; and the Norwegian Research Council Project ‘Witness Seminars in Modern Medical History’, led by Prof. Christoph Gradman at the University of Oslo.

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