Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez Díaz (HSS Merida Local Arrangements Committee) The History of Science Society, for the first time in its one hundred years of existence, met in a Latin American country on November 7-10. The colonial city of Mérida (funded in 1542), in the Mexican state of Yucatán, received five hundred historians of […]
Sarah Howard Many months of planning and organising came to fruition when an event co-organised by Connecting Three Worlds – The Public Good, Planning & Internationalism in African Health – finally took place in South Africa. An oral history symposium that brought together senior African health professionals and an inter-disciplinary group of academic researchers, the […]
Socialism and Health in East Asia Workshop in Shanghai 7-8 June Lu Chen has been organising the Conference taking place in Shanghai. There have been speakers who are unable to join the conference, so the decision has been made to make this a hybrid event. The programme details are shown below and if you would […]
An Ecuadorian snapshot of women’s visual representation at the time of the 1975 International Women’s Year (IWY) Conference Andrea Espinoza Carvajal At the same time the 1975 International Women’s Year (IWY) Conference took place in Mexico City (between June 19 and July 2), Ecuador was electing that year’s Miss Ecuador. Newspapers around the country covered […]
We have gathered together the latest news and events, together with some content not available on the website and put it into a Newsletter, see below. If you would like to receive our Newsletters in your mailbox each month, please sign up below. We promise to only send you news from the project. Subscribe * […]
Lu Chen A ground-breaking conference organized by the Wellcome Trust funded project “Connecting three worlds: socialism, medicine and global health after WW2” concluded 16 June 2023. It shed new light on the history of global health and the influence of socialism on healthcare systems. The conference brought together nearly 20 scholars from various regions of […]
We have gathered together the latest news and events, together with some content not available on the website and put it into a Newsletter, see below. If you would like to receive our Newsletters in your mailbox each month, please sign up below. We promise to only send you news from the project. Subscribe * […]
Humanitarianism, Otherwise: Cuban (Health)Care as Political Praxis. P. Sean Brotherton, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology New York University Join us for a Public Lecture, with the opportunity to ask questions, followed by a drinks reception at the Simon Bolivar Saal, Potsdamer Strasse, Berlin on the 14th June. For registration head to our Eventbrite page. Abstract Under […]
We have gathered together the latest news and events, together with some content not available on the website and put it into a Newsletter, see below. If you would like to receive our Newsletters in your mailbox each month, please sign up below. We promise to only send you news from the project. Subscribe * […]
CALL FOR PAPERS Conference “Connecting three worlds: health & socialism in the Cold War ” Funded by the Wellcome Trust Berlin, Germany, June 14th- 16th, 2023 Organizers: Dora Vargha, Sarah Marks and Edna Suárez-Díaz Keynote: Sean Brotherton (NYU) This conference is organized under the auspices of the Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award “Connecting three worlds: […]