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End of 2024 Newsletter

Posted by C3W Admin on December 18 2024

We have gathered together the latest news and events, together with some content not available on the website and put it into a Newsletter, see below.

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As we come to the end of another year, we thought we would reflect on what the project team have been up to in 2024 here are some highlights.
  • Two blogs on our website Unruly feminists and women in bikinis and Conference: The Public Good, Planning & Internationalism in African Health, 25-28 September 2023
  • Some great events – The Seminar Series on Women’s bodies and the Conference in China. Lu’s co-organised workshop in Tanzania. The HSS in Merida last month, great works Edna and Gisela
  • Of course these Newsletters which has increased the number of subscribers over the course of the year, so thank you for spreading the word.
  • More than 20 papers were presented around the world by the project team.
  • Research has taken place in Mexico, Birmingham, New York, Prague, London, and Manchester amongst other places
  • Dora Vargha gave her inaugural lecture at the University of Exeter in the spring and Sarah Howard was part of the team of people who took their research public in June and July
  • Sarah Marks and Dora Vargha have given interviews for podcasts, tv and book launches.
  • Sebastian and Lu were awarded additional funding for their research.
  • Sarah Howard joined a Birkbeck steering group, Sarah Marks was elected to the Board of Governors, Edna is now co-editor for the journal History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Dora became co-editor of the book series Epidemic Histories at JHUP and Lu Chen was awarded a residential fellowship
  • Publications in no particular order
  1. Cuerpo Historia Cuerpo Memoria 2024
  2. Navigating resistance in global health governance: Certification of smallpox eradication in China
  3. The PhD Parenting Penalty
  4. chapter: 19.  ‘Countering amnesia: the importance of history and anthropology in global health’
  5. Allegra Lab: Anthropology for Radical Optimism
  6. The cultural turn in understanding “addiction”,’ International Journal of Drug Policy (2024)


Interested in contributing to our blog?

Liang Wan is taking over as editor of the C3W blog.

Look out for new posts about our research and if you have any ideas or have news you would like to share with the C3W community, please get in touch with Liang!

He is available via email

History of Science Society Centennial Meeting (November 7-10, 2024)

Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez Díaz (HSS Merida Local Arrangements Committee)
The History of Science Society, for the first time in its one hundred years of existence, met in a Latin American country on November 7-10. The colonial city of Mérida (funded in 1542), in the Mexican state of Yucatán, received five hundred historians of science, probably the most geographically diverse crowd since the society’s creation by Belgian-American George A. Sarton. Colleagues from East and South East Asia, South and North America, and all corners of Europe gathered to celebrate the centennial of the oldest professional society in our area. The more than 160 academic sessions included organized sessions and an exceptional number of roundtables that aimed to reflect on our profession’s past and future. The C3W project was well represented by Liang Wan, Lu Chen, Gisela Mateos, Sarah Marks, Sarah Howard, Dora Vargha, and Edna Suárez-Díaz, who participated with individual papers, as panelists, and as chairs in six different sessions. Our subject matter has made meaningful inroads into mainstream history of science!

You can read more on the event on our website.

Dates for your Diary

Dora Vargha is giving a talk on socialist global health on December 19 at CHORUS, the Colloquium for the History of Russian and Soviet Science (online).

Research news

On November 11 and 12, the C3W team met for a workshop in Progreso following the History of Science Society’s meeting. During two days, research team members discussed ongoing research, planned future events, publication and career plans, and began work on new collaborative projects.


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