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Vargha, Dora. Polio Across the Iron Curtain: Hungary’s Cold War with an Epidemic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Global Health Histories Series, 2018. Open Access.

Suárez Díaz, E. (2017). Evolución y Moléculas. La molecularización de la biología evolutiva en contexto. UNAM/Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano: México. ISBN: 978-607-466-092-0. Pp. 254.

Mateos, Gisela y Edna Suárez-Díaz. 2015. Radioisótopos itinerantes en Latinoamérica. Una historia de ciencia por tierra y por mar. CEIICH-UNAM: México. ISBN 978-607-02-7230-1.

Research Papers

Andrea Espinoza Carvajal Visual recap of the Workshop held in Ecuador

Edited volumes and special issues

Mateos, Gisela & Edna Suárez-Díaz. “‘Development interventions: science, technology and technical assistance.” History and Technology. Vol 3-4 (2020): 293-309

Marks, Sarah (ed.), ‘Psychotherapy in Europe’, Special issue of History of the Human Sciences, vol. 31:4 (2018)

Marks, Sarah (ed.), ‘Psychotherapy in Historical Perspective’, Special issue of History of the Human Sciences, vol. 30:2 (2017)

Mateos, Gisela & Edna Suárez-Díaz (comps). 2016. Aproximaciones a lo local y lo global: América Latina en la historia de la ciencia contemporánea.Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano: México. ISBN: 978-607-466-088-3. 378 pp.

Jessica Reinisch, Ana Antic, Johanna Conterio & Dora Vargha (eds.): Agents of Internationalism. Special Issue of the Journal of Contemporary European History, vol.25, Part 2, May 2016

Mat Savelli & Sarah Marks (eds) Psychiatry in Communist Europe (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015).

Pohl-Valero, Stefan El hambre de los otros. Ciencia y políticas alimentarias en Latinoamérica, siglos XX y XXI [The hunger of others. Science and food policies in Latin America, 20th and 21st centuries] (Bogotá, 2021; coedited with Joel Vargas)

Ghiabi, MaziyarIn/Beyond the Colony: Writing Drugs in the South’ (Social History of Alcohol and Drugs) guest-edited by Maziyar Ghiabi (Exeter) and Thembisa Waetjen (Johannesburg), in Social History of Alcohol and Drugs (U of Chicago Press)

Ghiabi, MaziyarThe Everyday Lives of Drugs’ edited by Maziyar Ghiabi, in Third World Quarterly Vol. 43 (11).

Dora Vargha & Imogen WilkinsVaccination and PandemicsIsis Current Bibliography’s special issue Pandemics, edited by Stephen P. Weldon and Neeraja Sankaran

Journal articles:

Bannister, David “Wilful Blindness: Sleeping Sickness and Onchocerciasis in Colonial Northern Ghana, 1909-1957”, Social History of Medicine, 2022

Mateos, Gisela & Edna Suárez-Díaz (2021). “Atomic ambassadors: the IAEA’s First Preliminary Assistance Mission (1958). History and Technology (Special issue on Nuclear diplomacy edited by Maria Rentetzi and Kenji Ito). Vol 37:

Mateos, Gisela & Edna Suárez-Díaz. ‘‘The Door to the Promised Land of Atomic Peace and Plenty’’: Mexican Students and the Phoenix Memorial Project. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. 51(2): 209-231 (2021).

Mateos  Gisela y Suárez-Díaz Edna, 2021. “Misiones seculares: la asistencia técnica nuclear en la primera década del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (1958-1968)”. Revista  Interdisciplina. 9(24): 121-135. doi:

Vargha, Dora, “The Vaccine”, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Vol. 51, no 1, February, 2021.

Vargha, Dora, “Reconsidering the dramaturgy”, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Vol. 94. No. 4, 2020. 690-699.

Vargha, Dora, “Epidemic Years: A Third Look”, Isis, Vol. 111 no. 4., 2020. 791-794.

Torres-Cruz César y Suárez-Díaz Edna (2020). “La biomedicalización del riesgo sexual en América Latina en el siglo XXI”. Revista Ciencias de la Salud. 18(3):1-22.

Mateos, Gisela and Edna Suárez-Díaz (2020). “Creating the need in Mexico: the IAEA’s technical assistance programs for less developed countries (1958-68)”. History and Technology. Vol. 36, 3-4: 418-436. DOI: 10.1080/07341512.2020.1864116

Mateos, Gisela and Edna Suárez-Díaz (2020). “‘Development interventions: science, technology, and technical assistance.” History and Technology. Vol 3-4: 293-309.  DOI: 10.1080/07341512.2020.1859774

Vargha, Dora, “Technical Assistance and Socialist International Health: Hungary, the WHO, and the Korean War” History and Technology Vol 36 no. 3-4, 2020. 400-417.

Suárez-Díaz, Edna, “The molecular basis of disease and evolution: a Cold War alliance” (2019). Journal of the History of Biology. 52(2): 325-347; DOI: 10.1007/s10739-017-9476-9

Torres-Cruz, César & Edna Suárez-Díaz (2019): The stratified biomedicalization of HIV prevention in Mexico City, Global Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2019.1679217

Vargha, Dora,  “The Socialist World in Global Polio Eradication”. Revue d-Études Comparatives Est-Ouest (RECEO), Vol 49, No.1, 2018

Marks, Sarah, ‘Suggestion, Persuasion and Work: Psychotherapy in Communist Europe’, European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 20:1 (2018)

Vargha, Dora, “Socialist Utopia in Practice: Everyday Life and Medical Authority in a Hungarian Polio Hospital. Social History of Medicine, Volume 31, Issue 2, 1 May 2018

Suárez-Díaz Edna. 2017. “Blood diseases in the backyard. Mexican “indígenas” as a Population of Cognition In the Mid-1960s”. Perspectives on Science. Special Issue on Populations of Cognition (ed. By Edna Suárez-Díaz, Vivette García and Emily Vazquez). 2017(5): 606-630.

Marks, Sarah, ‘The Romani Minority, Coercive Sterilizations, and Languages of Denial in the Czech Lands’, History Workshop Journal, 84:1 (2017), pp. 128-148

Anaya Victor, García Vivette and Edna Suárez-Diaz. (2017) “Flattening and unpacking human genetic variation in Mexico, postwar to present”. Science in Context, 30(1): 89-112.

Jeremy Greene & Dora Vargha, “Grey-market Medicines: diphtheria antitoxin and the decay of biomedical infrastructure. The Lancet, Vol 389, April 29, 2017Marks, Sarah, ‘Psychotherapy in Historical Perspective’, History of the Human Sciences, vol. 30:2 (2017), pp. 3-16

Ana Antic, Johanna Conterio & Dora Vargha, “Beyond Liberal Internationalism” Journal of Contemporary European History, vol. 25, Part 2, May 2016

Marks, Sarah, ‘From Experimental Psychosis to Resolving Traumatic Pasts: Psychedelic Research in Communist Czechoslovakia, 1954-1974’ Cahiers du monde russe, 56 (2015), pp. 53-75

Vargha, Dora “Between East and West: Polio Vaccination Across the Iron Curtain in Cold War Hungary” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. 88, no. 2., Summer 2014

Vargha, Dora “The Medicalization of Sin. The body of the prostitute in 19th century Hungarian medical discourse.” In: Budapesti Negyed (Budapest Quarterly) 47-48/2005 [in Hungarian]

Espinoza Carvajal, Andrea contributed to the article Indigenous cosmologies of energy for a sustainable energy future which was published 29th September, 2022

Book chapters

Marks, Sarah, ‘A History of the Talking Cure’ in David Jones (ed.) Understanding Mental Health and Counselling. (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 2020).

Sarah Marks, Mat Savelli & Melissa Ricci, ‘The Long (or Short) History of Mental Health.’ in Mat Savelli, James Gillett and Gavin J. Andrews (eds) An Introduction to Mental Health and Illness. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).

Marks, Sarah, ‘What difference has the opening of the archives since 1991 made to the historiography of Communism and the Cold War?’ In Jessica Reinisch and David Brydan (eds) Researching and Teaching Twentieth Century History. (London: The Historical Association, 2020)

Jeremy Greene & Dora Vargha, “Ends of Epidemics” in COVID-19 and World Order: The Future of Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation, Hal Brands and Francis J. Gavin eds. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020

Mateos, Gisela & Edna Suárez-Díaz (2019). “Technical assistance in movement: nuclear knowledge crosses Latin American borders”. In: Krige John (ed.). How Knowledge Moves. Writing the Transnational History of Science and Technology. Chapter 12. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Pp. 345- 367. ISBN:9780226605999, pp.

Vargha, Dora. 2018. Polio and Disability in Hungary. In Catherine Kudlick, Kim Nielsen, & Michael Rembis (eds) “Polio and Disability in Hungary” in Oxford Handbook of Disability History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018

Suárez-Díaz Edna. (2018). “Local traditions and the death of diffusion: Jean Gayon’s contributions to contemporary narratives of ‘the molecular vision of life’”. In: Francesca Merlin and Philippe Huneman (eds). Volume collectif au Jean Gayon. Paris: Editions Matériologiques, Paris. Pp. 121-134. ISBN 978-2-37361-144-1.

Suárez-Díaz Edna. (2018) “The Historiography of Molecular Evolution”. In: Dietrich, Michael, Mark Borrello, and Oren Harmann (Editors). Handbook of the Historiography of Biology. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Vargha, Dora. 2017. Vaccination and the communist state: polio in Eastern Europe. In Stuart Blume, Peter Greenough & Christine Holmberg (eds.) “Vaccination and the communist state: polio in Eastern Europe” in  The Politics of Vaccination: A Global History, Studies for the Society of the Social History of Medicine. Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 2017

Sarah Marks & Mat Savelli ‘Communist Europe and Transnational Psychiatry’ in Mat Savelli and Sarah Marks (eds) Psychiatry in Communist Europe (London: Palgrave, 2015)

Marks, Sarah, ‘Ecology, Humanism and Mental Health in Communist Czechoslovakia’ in Mat Savelli and Sarah Marks (eds) Psychiatry in Communist Europe (London: Palgrave, 2015)

Marks, Sarah, ‘Psychologists as Therapists: Behavioural Traditions’ in John Hall, David Pilgrim and Graham Turpin (eds) Clinical Psychology in Britain: Historical Perspectives (Leicester: British Psychological Society, 2015)

Marks, Sarah, ‘CBT in Britain: Historical Development and Contemporary Situation’ in Windy Dryden (ed.) Cognitive Behaviour Therapies (London: Sage, 2012)

Andrea Espinoza Carvajal coauthored a chapter with Professor Jelke Boesten (King’s College London) in the book Women Resisting Violence. Voices and Experiences from Latin America

Book Review

Howard, Sarah has written a book review of Ethiopia in the Wake of Political Reforms, edited by Melaku Geboye Desta, Dereje Feyissa Dori, and Mamo Esmelealem Mihretu, for Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies (2022).