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July Newsletter

Posted by C3W Admin on August 4 2022

We have gathered together the latest news and events, together with some content not available on the website and put it into a Newsletter below.

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Welcome to the July edition of our newsletter, where you will find the latest research findings, activities and events.

This edition has

  • News of publications in the pipeline
  • Congratulations to Sarah Howard, Dora Vargha and Laura Salisbury
  • Summer plans



Congratulations go to Sarah Howard who has been awarded a Birkbeck/ Wellcome ISSF Early Career Fellowship, until March 2023. She says that “The fellowship will run alongside my work for C3W and allow me to develop a proposal for my own research project, provisionally called ‘From Ambiguous Intimacy to Professional Autonomy: Early Years Childcare in Ethiopia from 1963.’”

Dora Vargha – along with Prof. Laura Salisbury in English (University of Exeter) – is Co-PI on a recently awarded, major new Wellcome Discovery Award for the project titled ‘After the End: Lived Experiences and Aftermaths of Diseases, Disasters and Drugs in Global Health’ led by Prof. Patricia Kingori at Oxford University. The project will start in 2023, and Dora will be joining the team in 2026.


On the 26th July, 2022 Sarah Howard presented at the EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) conference in Belfast, on a panel called ‘States of the Absurd’

Paper short abstract:

Rural public servants in Ethiopia are well-versed in the absurdities of meaningless governance. This paper will concentrate on how public servants made illogical – or ‘illegible’ – policies legible through their labour, and the consequences for perceptions of the state as embodied in them.

On the 6th July, 2022  Dora Vargha presented “Social or Socialist? Ideology, Biomedicine, and Healthcare beyond the Iron Curtain” at the Forschungskolloquium zur Geschichte des Wissens, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Sebastian Fonseca presented a paper at the UK-Latin American History workshop at the University of Bristol, 10th June, 2022. The paper titled: ‘Medical McCarthyism in Latin America: Voices of the ALAMES and leftist solidarity’. It is a work-in-progress to be submitted for a journal in the coming weeks, so we shall update you with more news when this is confirmed.


electrophoresis apparatus
Edna Suarez-Diaz has written an article The Electrophoretic Revolution in the 1960s: Historical Epistemology Meets the Global History of Science and Technology”, which will be published at Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (History of Science and Humanities). We will update you with a link next month.Edna explains that she presented it at the workshop “History and Historiography of the Life Sciences: Traces of Hans-Jörg Rheinberger”, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Germany, April 7 – 8, 2022. This paper aims to provide the ground to link the historiography of experimental life sciences with the global turn in the history of science and technology. It looks at the ways by which a relatively humble laboratory instrument, the electrophoresis apparatus, helped create scientific networks of scientists working both in public health and biomedical approaches to disease in Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and North America.


Gisela Mateos-Gonzalez and Edna Suarez-Diaz have recently signed a contract with The University of Pittsburgh Press for their book, with the tentative title Expensive Toys? Atoms for Development in Postwar Mexico.Dora Vargha, David Bannister and Sebastian Fonseca were part of the ‘Global Social Medicine Histories’ book project edited by Jeremy Greene, Anne Kviem Lie and Warwick Anderson. This was a workshop with all book contributors, reading each other’s work and providing feedback.  5th-7th June, 2022 at Rosendal, Norway.

Latest from the blog


Conversation with Xun Zhou: Health Intervention and Delivery in Mao’s China
Lu Chen has written about her conversation with Dr Xun Zhou when they met in May during a visit to Berlin. Lu gives us a review of the book The People’s Health: Health Intervention and delivery in Mao’s China 1949-1983.

Writing retreats and Research Progress

Lu Chen, Gisela Mateos-Gonzalez, and Edna Suarez-Diaz will be visiting the Owen Archives at Columbia University and the United Nations Archives in NYC  at the end of July-early August.Sarah Howard is in Belfast for the EASA Conference.

Sarah Marks and David Bannister are in Ghana for a conference and research.

Liang Wan is waiting for a Visa so he can leave China to come to the UK.

Sebastian Fonseca is in the process of completing and submitting the ethics approval at the University of Exeter for the new project on Latin American guerrilla’s health models in Colombia. he will begin this project in September and go to Colombia for the fieldwork between December 2022-April 2023.

It will be a busy summer for everyone, we will update you with all the news once our feet have touched the ground again.

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