Research Fellow
Institute of African Studies
University of Ghana
Mjiba Frehiwot is a Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana. She is in the History and Politics Section of the Institute. She received her PhD from Howard University in Washington, DC where she focused her research on the role of formal and informal education and Pan-African consciousness in Ghana, 1957-1966. She holds a Master of Social Work from California State University Sacramento and a Bachelor of Social Work/African American Studies from San Jose State University. Her primary research focuses on Pan-Africanism, African political thought, and social movements in Global Africa
Her most recent publications are as follows:
Frehiwot, M (Director). (2021). Umoja: Africa Must Unite Now. Institute of African Studies Productions.
Frehiwot, M. (2020). Kwame Nkrumah and the Dawn of the Cold War. Contemporary Journal of African Studies (CJAS), 7(1), 123-125.
Frehiwot, Mjiba (2019). Made in Africa Evaluation: Decolonializing evaluation in Africa. eVALUation Matters. Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) of the African Development Bank, Third Quarter 2019.
Frehiwot, Mjiba (2018). “In Conversation with Mjiba Frehiwot”. Contemporary Journal of African Studies, Vol 5, No. 2.
Frehiwot, Mjiba (2018) Teaching Africa: Pan-Africanism, Ghana and the African Union, California, Conference Proceedings, June 2018 California State University/University of Ghana Faculty Seminar, University of Ghana Press.
Frehiwot, Mjiba (2016) Kwame Nkrumah’s Social-Political Thought and the Pan-African Movement. In Jacob Gordon’s (Eds.), Revisiting Kwame Nkrumah: Pathways for the Future (128-139). Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press.
Frehiwot, Mjiba (2015). Pan-African Education: A Case Study of the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute, Print Media and the Ghana Young Pioneer Movement. In Quist-Adade, Charles, and Vincent Dodoo (Eds.), Africa’s Many Divides and Africa’s Future: Pursuing Nkrumah’s Vision of Pan-Africanism in an Era of Globalization (296-322). Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.